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Lexusguan News Media Exchange Space welcomes you

Lexusguan 新闻媒体交流空间欢迎您

Welcome news media workers or enthusiasts to visit Lexusguan News Media Exchange Space. I hope that the place I created can become a relaxed, enjoyable, and inspiring online home for everyone. I, Lingzhi Guan(Lexus Guan), graduated from Rutgers New Jersey State University in December 2022 with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Journalism and Media. I enrolled in the Steinhardt Institute of New York University in January 2023, majoring in Digital Media. I am expected to graduate in December 2024 and will receive a master's degree. I am very interested in news media and hope to pursue this career. I will work together with everyone to contribute to the development of news media.

欢迎新闻媒体工作者或爱好者作客Lexusguan 新闻媒体交流空间。我希望我创建的这个场所能成为大家轻松愉快激发灵感的网络之家。本人关凌志,2022年12月, 毕业于罗格斯新泽西州立大学,新闻媒体专业,获得文学学士学位。2023年1月入学纽约大学Steinhardt研究院,数字媒体专业,预计2024年12月毕业,将获得硕士学位。我对新闻媒体的很感兴趣,希望能从事这一事业。我将同大家共同为新闻媒体的发展作出贡献。